10 recommendations for effective company and HR management

Seville, Spain.

[dropcap style=»default, circle, box, book»]T[/dropcap]his article has been written in tandem with the renowned company management and human resources guru, Ouassif Ziani, Head of the Human Resources Department at Blue Sea Hotels. The aim of this post is to offer you some of our thoughts we share on good company management and human resources practices. Here, then, are our ten recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to know what has led to the boost you wish to give your company. Is it borne out of culture or necessity? An example, nowadays, Spanish companies are internationalised or at least in the process of becoming so. As such, the question is begged: Are we becoming internationalised because of culture or necessity? I asked myself the same question, and was steadfast in my response: I underwent an internationalisation process a few years back for cultural reasons, as it formed part of my personal and professional philosophy the concept of a global company). However, the international expansion I am involved in at the moment is the product of necessity. The Spanish market’s perspectives do not match my hunger, although I do not intend to jump ship to follow my ideas and support my environs. [pullquote align=»left»]If I had 9 hours a day to work, I would spend 8 of them thinking and defining strategies. [/pullquote]
  2. A strategy is needed for effective management. To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln who said something along the lines of if I had 9 hours a day to work, I would spend 8 of them thinking and defining strategies. If one has a strategy, a defined plan, they will be a success. A ship lost at sea that sees the lighthouse, reaches its destination. The lighthouse is the goal posts and the strategy is what helps you see them. If you do not have a strategy, maybe you will waste a lot of energy and resources on reaching your destination, but do not know in which direction it lie.
  3. post rrhhStrategy also means foregoing. When a company plans its strategy, it has to take into account not only what it wants to be in the future, but also what it does not want to be, therefore, strategy also implies an element of relinquishing. In other words, whoever fights a battle on too many fronts, cannot find the firepower to respond to all of these. Resources must be concentrated.
  4. An expansion strategy (or any other) must fall within budget. If not, it will not happen or will not be properly executed. You must foresee human and financial resources to be able to undertake the internationalisation process. This takes time and money. An example of this is internationalisation itself.
  5. Use preventative strategies. Two of the best worth applying to your company, are well described in my post Peter Drucker:
  • The giving up theory: If we were not involved in this business, would we be doing something else? Or are we allowing ourselves to be carried by inertia? We must tackle these issues for activities we have been involved in for a long time.
  • It is necessary to study what happens outside of the company and above all observe what non-clients are up to. From them we can learn how to grow and attract new markets, as well as highlighting our defects.
  1. There are two clear warning signs that the defined strategy needs revising: one is when there are significant losses. The other is when there is extremely rapid growth. Be careful with these, as they need to closely monitored. [pullquote align=»right»]Non-profit organisations are highly adept at company management. Quite often, they encourage the workforce with resources other than conventional payments.[/pullquote]
  2. Learn from Non-Profit Organisations. These teach us a great deal about how to manage staff effectively and how to define strategy. For example, in the USA, this group of companies is the nation’s largest single employee. Examples such as the Red Cross stand out, and often these companies are managed without staff on the payroll, motivating them using other means. Worthy of special merit indeed, and they teach us about:
  • The need for a clearly defined mission.
  • Carefully plan logistics
  • The value of on-going learning and teaching.
  • Administration organised by aims and self-control.
  • Demanding positions and their corresponding duties.
  • The ability to account for performance and results.
  1. Make the right decisions regarding the staff you hire. In order to make decisions on hiring staff to fill a post, it is necessary to comply with the following steps:
  • Reflexionar sobre la tarea que se quiere asignar. Think about the duties to be assigned to the role.
  • Tener en cuenta un número de personas suficientes que podrían ser candidatos. Take into account a sufficient number of persons who could apply for the post.
  • Reflexionar mucho sobre cómo juzgar a los candidates. Think about how to evaluate the candidates.
  • Hablar de cada candidato o de los principales con varias personas que hayan trabajado con el o que también les entrevisten. Tener una opinión variada. Discuss each candidate or the ones on the shortlist with several people who have worked with them or have interviewed them.
  • Asegurarse de que la persona elegida entiende el trabajo. Make sure that the person you choose understands the post.
  1. To develop your company, develop the people in it. Unlike traditional company management where the company sought the development of the organisation through the persons who formed it, modern business management backs the development of the workforce.

post rrhh 2In this way, developing the components that make up the company, the same evolves automatically in order to become more competitive.

  1. Breaking into the international market means the creation of new employment. Some disappear, others are modified, the organisational structure changes for some key posts with posts coming and going. Some components within the organisation will need recycling programmes, others will need development whilst others will make way for more competitive alternatives. In short, a new company structure with a new working scheme capable of adaptingto new changes and challenges.

And now, over to you, feel free to add any comments or recommendations. Each experience is different and I am certain you have a lot to contribute.  This article has been written by Ouassif Ziani and Julián Sastre.

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